Saturday, December 20, 2014

Job Search #10: Build a Personal Brand

In obtaining a new position your identity is key. As with advertising the association with a 'brand' creates an effective connection. Professional branding is important for anyone who is job searching or building their career. It's important to create a personal brand that portrays you in a professional light and which provides employers and contacts with a strong positive impression of you as a high-caliber individual.

For articles presenting this approach see several articles here.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Job Search #9: Use Social Networking

Social networking can be an integral part of your job search or career building - if you use it correctly. If not used correctly, even information you consider private like a photo posted on Facebook or a random comment on Twitter, could cost you your job and unexpectedly damage your career.

Social media participation is an essential tool in networking with potential professional contacts, staying in touch with current and former contacts, advancing your career, and keeping in touch with the world

To find tips on what you shouldn't do when it comes to social media and your career - and that's just as important as what you should do, see the complete set of references here.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Job Search #8: Find Contacts at a Company

It's not only who you know personally who can help. It's also who the people you know can refer you to. Those people may be able to assist you, as well. How do you find connections at companies? It's actually simple and easy to search online to find contacts at your companies of interest. Asking for help, the old fashioned way, still works, too.

See the article with additional hints here.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Job Search #7: Build a Career Network

The best time to build a solid network is before you need it.  Career networking doesn’t have to be intimidating and job search networking is still the top way people find new jobs.

The importance of career networking shouldn't be discounted when you are in the midst of a job search. In fact, your career network should become a part of your daily work and career-related endeavors, as well as part of your job search.

For further discussions on career development, see the complete article here.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Job Search #6: Fast Track Your Job Search

What can you do when you have to find a job fast? It's not easy, but there are steps you can take to expedite your job search.

Spending some time to get your job search in order, keeping it organized, focused, and on the fast track will help you find a job faster than if you don't have a plan in place.

Rather than missing your job search targets, you'll be spending your time job searching in an effective manner if you take it one step at a time - and stay on top of managing job search process.  See the full article here.
Here are some suggestions.
  • Plan and Organize Your Search
  • Write Your Resume
  • Create a Personal Cover Letter Template
  • Create/Update Your Professional Profilles
  • Select Job Search Websites
  • Use Your Words
For more insight, click here.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Job Search #5: Finding Job Listings

Here are the best sites to find job listings including job search engine sites, job boards, company websites, niche job sites, social media and professional networking sites, jobs listed by type of job seeker and location, and more top job listing sites.

Here is a valuable outline of finding best sites for particular job listings.

  1. Top 5 Best Job Sites for Students
  2. Best Job Search Engines
  3. More Good Job Sites
  4. Best Local Job Sites
  5. Jobs Listed by Career Field/Industry
  6. Jobs Listed by Location
For more info, click here.

Job Search #4: E-mail Etiquette

Job search email etiquette including choosing an email account, formatting your email messages, what to put in the Subject Line of your message, how to create an email signature, and how to send email messages when job searching.

When you are using email to job search, it's important that all your communications are as professional as they would be if you were writing an old-fashioned paper letter. Here's information on what to include in your job search emails, how to format your email, and how to make sure your email message is read.

For more information, click here.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Job Search #3: Effective Cover Letters

The objective of writing cover letters is to obtain a reading of your resume and help you win the interview

When you are a writing a cover letter, there is specific information that needs to be included. Your cover letter will include a contact section, a salutation, information on why you are qualified for the job, a closing, and your signature.

To see what to include in your cover letter, how to write it, its format, and cover letter examples, see the full article here.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Job Search #2: Resume Strategies

The resume is often the first impersonal impression you will make with a potential employer. The development your resume consists of many components:  resume writing,  the creation of a professional resume, its format, and the presentation of your value to the employer.

These components need to be integrated into a final professional version. For a comprehensive description of these many aspects of a resume, each with a comprehensive discussion, see the complete resource here.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Job Search #1: When to start a search

When it comes to starting your job search, there’s no time like the present—except, maybe, if the present happens to be during a major life change, a big project at work, or the summertime.

Career experts say job seekers should always be actively looking. The stars will never align perfectly in your job search and if you wait for them to do so, a great opportunity could be missed. 

The best time to look for a new job is when you don’t need one; you just want one. For the complete discussion see the article here.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Moms’ jobs can make a difference …

The Church surveys and research make some projections for the sisters of the Church. Two thirds of all sisters will at one point be the principal breadwinner for their family. This comes about with the husband’s loss of employment, unexpected death or divorce, or a sister remaining single.

There is little opportunity for a mom with the responsibility of a child to move beyond minimum wage work. To make a shift is almost impossible for a family without help. They have to work hard to make the day-to-day.

The biggest motivator for moms is the financial security that a "non-traditional" job can offer. For more details on this topic, see the full article on a Wyoming program here.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Job Longevity Shows Commitment

Reporting your longevity on each job is an essential part of your resume. Employers look for you to stick with a job two years or more to convey your commitment; job hopping is not a favorable attribute. Your resume should have beginning month and year for each employer reported.

To make the most of your job experience review the topic of longevity and how to convey it here.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Display Your Career Passion!

Ever wonder what employers look for when they recruit candidates? Well now you can stop wondering because we're going to tell you. 

We recently conducted a survey in conjunction with Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm, to learn what hiring managers are looking for when they search for candidates, the disconnects between employers, job candidates, and the generations that currently make up the workforce. To check out the infographic presented, click here

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Career Fair Checklist for Career Fair Success

Are you planning to attend a career fair soon? Are you searching for pointers to help you succeed at the career fair? Do you know the activities job-seekers should perform before, during, and after the career fair?

Please note that it is important to prepare 10 to 15 hours for each Job Fair with regards to the companies being represented. You need to research each company to more fully understand the scope of their products and/or services, marketing strategies, and needs or solutions that you may offer them. For specific in-depth suggestions of 1) what to do in preparation before attending a Job Fair plus 2) guidelines on what activities to pursue while at the Job Fair as well as 3) what activities to accomplish following the Job Fair, click here for a fantastic list of do’s and don’t’s.

Special bonus, this employment blog maintains an up-to-date list of Colorado Front Range Job Fairs.  Click here for daily updates.  For easier reading in your Internet browser to enlarge type size, use the control key plus the + key. To reduce the type size, use the control key plus the – key.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Best 100 Colorado Companies for Flexible Jobs

    Based on years of researching companies that hire for telecommuting, part-time, flextime, or freelance jobs, FlexJobs has compiled the best list of 100 of companies located in Colorado that specifically have hired for jobs with at least one of these flexible working options. Below you will find the company profiles on Colorado employers such as Catholic Health Initiatives, Imagine!, and Niche Technologies Inc., as well as each company's telecommuting, part-time, freelance, and flexible job posting history, a staff-written description, and the company's headquarters and website.
  1. The purpose of the free Colorado List of Best Companies for Flexible Jobs is to help people in Colorado to easily find and research the legitimate employers embracing workplace flexibility.

    If you you're looking for a job in Colorado, click here.  This guide is excellent and free as a resource for jobs!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

10 Best-Paying Jobs Of The Future

If you decided on a new career path today, wouldn't you like to know which jobs will be in high demand and pay the most once you were out of school? To serve as a guide, 24/7 Wall St. has identified the best-paying jobs of the future. These jobs will grow the most in the next decade and have median incomes well above the national average. Almost without exception, these occupations will be in highest demand

One change that will create high demands for some professions is the increasing amount of data available to businesses.  For more info, click here

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Reasons for Changing Jobs

During the time the economy struggled, it was important just to have a job. As the economy improves, you may consider the opportunity to change jobs. Carefully consider the reasons you come up with to justify a significant decision.
Don’t overreact. Leaving a job to minimize pain should not be the primary reason for accepting another job. Both negative and positive motivators must be considered; as well as extrinsic (short-term) motivators, and intrinsic (long-term).
See an interesting diagram in the full article to assist your decision making here.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Nonverbal First Impressions

It begins even before you say your first word in an interview. As the interviewer walks toward you to shake hands, an opinion is already being formed. And as you sit waiting to spew out your answers to questions you've prepared for, you are already being judged by your appearance, posture, smile or your nervous look.
  • The nonverbal messages
  • The Handshake
  • Your Posture 
  • Eye  Contact 
  • Your Hands 
  •  Don't Fidget
Preparing what you have to say is important, but practicing how you will say it is imperative. The nonverbal message can speak louder than the verbal message you're sending. For details on the above see the complete article here.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cover Letter for over 50

Searching for a new job when you are over 50 can produce anxiety, but you can create a cover letter that makes you stand out as a highly desirable job candidate. The first thing that employers notice about your application is your cover letter, so it is important for it to be effective.

Your cover letter is a tool to get you noticed by employers; it should be customized for the job you are seeking. Draft a compelling message for each position, and let employers know why you want to work for them and how your skills and experience are useful for the position.

For more information on the letter content, see the complete article here.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Write a Persuasive Cover Letter

You put a lot of thought and work into developing a professional resume, but may lose steam when it comes to the cover letter. When you submit a resume for a job posting or to a referral, you may be asked to submit a cover letter. There is at least a 50% chance that your cover letter will actually be read.

A well-written persuasive cover letter is a powerful addition to your suite of career marketing documents. So transform your existing cover letter from boring to attention-grabbing in five steps.

See the five steps with examples in the full article here.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

100 Potential Interview Questions

While there are as many different possible interview questions as there are interviewers, it always helps to be ready for anything. So here is a list of 100 potential interview questions. Will you face them all? No interviewer would be that cruel. Will you face a few? Probably.

You be well-served by being ready even if you're not asked these exact questions.  In reviewing these questions try to formulate an answer or be ready with a personal example you can elaborate on.  

Find the complete list here. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Strategies for a Career Change

People are becoming more apt to take action to become upwardly mobile. According to the Wall Street Journal, nearly 40 percent of all people seeking new jobs are also trying to change careers.

Think through the process or method you will use to accomplish your goals; accept that there is a level of risk involved. Younger workers have an easier time changing career, but if you have been in a profession for several decades, it may be difficult to match your current salary with an entry-level position.

The article outlines three key elements of the process:
  • Accept the Risk
  • Avoid the Traps
  • New Career Choices
For more on these topics, see the complete article here.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Benefits of career networking

Networking is the key to obtaining a new job. It is also the key to advancing in your currently employed position. Using networking while employed is a career strategy.

For many people, professional networking feels forced and uncomfortable. In industries where who you know is as important as what you can do, however, networking is a crucial business skill. It can lead to new job opportunities, mutually beneficial partnerships and exciting business ideas. With a few simple strategies, you can develop better networking abilities quickly.

To see three networking strategies to use to advance your current career, see the complete article here.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Job Search Site List

The internet provides a vast resource of information relating to job searching. In order to make effective use of these resources an organized and disciplined approach to your job search is appropriate.  While job leads are necessary, the fact remains that networking and personal contacts are the most effective path to a job interview and ultimately an offer. Using the internet to identify available job openings and then using networking to get an inside track can provide a powerful search strategy.
The following compilation of sites was prepared by Karla Nuzman, an employment Specialist.  It presents an extensive set of site addresses broken into useful career categories.



For multiple web sites for Job Searches by career, click here.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Top 10 Best Job Sites

 Looking for a good position is never easy, especially in tough employment markets. But even so, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs available at any given time, if one knows where to look. Many of them are posted on job boards.

A job board’s primary function is to connect companies with potential employees. And as recent studies show, companies find nearly 25% of their external new hires through these sites. Surveys have also found that up to 32% of job seekers found their jobs by either responding to an ad or posting a resume on a job board.

To see the top sites click here.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Smart career moves to make by 30

For people in their twenties, life can be a rich time for personal self-discovery—a period when you’re more willing to take risks and maybe even make mistakes along the way. These can also be some of the most formative years for your career.

When you graduate, you may have an idea of what you want to be when you “grow up,” but may not have an idea of just how to get there. You don’t want to leave everything to chance - especially if it affects your future earning power.

Career experts and coaches have their opinions on the top dos—and don’ts—for the younger generation of career builders. For those past ‘twenty something’ look to see what you did right, or not so. Here are 30 savvy moves to make at each stage of your career before you hit 30, or might be able to catch up on after. See the complete article here.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Your Interview: hard questions, best answers

There are many challenging interview questions that you may be asked in a job interview.  You need to be quick on your feet with good answers. By reviewing tough questions and formulating good personal responses reflecting on your experience with actual situations, you prepare yourself.  Review typical questions and consider an appropriate response, based on your background and skills. 

There aren't necessarily any right or wrong answers, but carefully consider the job you are applying for, your abilities, and the company culture before you respond.

For a set of questions to test your wit and skills, see the full article here.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Tips for how to find a job

If someone started looking for a job today, there is no way of knowing how long it will take. You have to make looking for a job a job in itself. It needs to be a 24-hours-a-day, seven-day-a-week, 365-days-a-year job.

There's always the opportunity of working in the temporary arena. People should be calling temporary employment firms to find light industrial jobs, or jobs that will make a minimum wage or maybe a little more. For example, if you've been an accountant your whole life, there are opportunities out there, and you might be able to find some temporary jobs.

Develop a system of looking for a job. This way, you focus on the process without having to worry about the results. Keep track of the calls you make and the interviews you get. That way you can follow up on the interviews.

For a comprehensive outline see the full article here.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tips for networking when job hunting

Try networking, it really does work. At least 60%  of all jobs are found by networking. Develop contacts - friends, family, neighbors, college alumni, people in associations - anyone who might help generate information and job leads.

You can take a direct approach and ask for job leads or try a less formal approach and ask for information and advice. Contact everyone you know. You may be surprised by the people they know.

For a complete copy of the article on networking see it 


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